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5 Good Skincare Habits to get Flawless Skin

Posted by Lori on

Hand MD

Let’s get real for a minute. Everyone has beautiful skin - though we may not think that way about our own. But, we want to give you 5 habits that you need to start ASAP that will help you love the skin you’re in! 

Sunscreen For Healthy Skin

1. Wear sunscreen everyday

Not just before you head out to lay beachside soaking up those rays - we’re talking three hundred sixty five days a year. Even if it’s sunny outside - there are always harmful rays that are wreaking havoc on your skin causing fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. Not to mention, it will also help protect you from skin cancer. It’s best to use at least  SPF 30 and apply it prior to your moisturizer. We’re not only talking about your face here either - you want to apply it everywhere. You should pay special attention to areas that are exposed to the sun - so definitely don’t forget your hands!

Exfoliating Hands

2. Exfoliate Regularly

It’s not all about anti-aging creams and serums, you’ll also want to remove dead skin cell build-up and dry patches to reveal fresh, glowing skin. You don’t want to go overboard though; it’s best to limit exfoliation to just 2-3 times per week, though it’s totally fine to use a soft scrub cloth on a daily basis. Try our Exfoliating Peel to reveal amazingly soft, radiant hands (and TBH, it can be used on knees, elbows and feet, too).

Anti Aging Serum For Hand Care

3. Use A Serum

Serums are a bottle of amazing concentrated active ingredients that sink deeper into the skin than creams and lotions. You can find them for any of your skin needs, such as hydration, redness relief & anti-aging. Serums should always be applied before your moisturizer to ensure the ingredients sink deep into the skin!

Woman Applying Skin Care Products

4. Use The Right Products For Your Skin

Everyone’s skin is composed differently. Some people are acne prone, or oily, or dry; using the products that are designed for your skin type is instrumental in seeing great results. For example, if you have oily skin, using a heavy moisturizer designed for dry skin is going to make your skin feel greasy and overly shiny. If you’re unsure of your skin type & the best products to use, it may be beneficial to see a dermatologist or aesthetician!

Woman Drinking Water For Healthy Skin

5. It’s What You Put In That Matters

You’ve definitely heard the expression “you are what you eat” many times before, but it couldn't be more true for the overall health of your skin. Try to eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, drink tons of water, and a little exercise never hurts either. If you feel as though you’re struggling to get all the nutrients you need, vitamins may be the answer! 

BONUS: Treat yourself to regular facials and body treatments. As if we really need an excuse to have a relaxing trip to the spa. These pros will take one look at your skin and customize a treatment just for you. They can also help you solve any of your skin concerns.

Remember it takes 21 days to create a habit, so make sure you find a routine that works best for you. Your skin will be flawless in no time! 

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